General Information: Practical Things to Keep in Mind When Visiting the Balearic Islands

Arrival to the Islands:

The Balearic Islands are well-connected by air, with major airports on Mallorca, Menorca, and Ibiza.

Ferries and boats also operate between the islands and mainland Spain.
Upon arrival, you'll need to go through immigration and customs if arriving from outside the Schengen Area. Remember to have your travel documents and visa (if required) ready for inspection.


The official languages of the Balearic Islands are Catalan and Spanish. English and other major European languages are widely spoken in tourist areas especially in Mallorca and Ibiza, making communication there relatively easy. We highly recommend though that you give it your best with the local languages as not everyone here will speak English outside of the main tourist areas.

Medical Attention:

The Balearic Islands boast modern healthcare facilities, including public hospitals and private clinics. EU citizens can avail of healthcare services with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
Travel insurance with comprehensive medical coverage is strongly recommended for non-EU visitors to ensure access to medical care.


The Balearic Islands have a Tourist Tax that is collected for stays on the islands, this tax is also known as Sustainable Tourism tax or Eco Tax. it was introduced by the Balearic government in 2016. The tax varies by accommodation type, length of stay, and guests' age. There is a discount on stays lasting longer than 9 days, but only for any single accommodation. (Move between hotels will reset the count.) It is up to the Accommodation owner or manager to collect the tax, they should inform you about the tax and the amount during Check-in. The tax may or may not be included in the Accommodation price given, but it is best to be prepared for it to be added on top so that the surprise is not too big.

**The new rates of the Sustainable Tourism Tax for all stays in tourist accommodation of the Balearic Islands went into effect December 2017. The main modifications are:

  • In low season (between November 1 to April 30 of each year), the amount is maintained. Increase is limited to stays in high season. Specifically, the general tax rate doubles so that tax reduction in low season will be 75%.

  • From now on, passengers of cruise ships docked in any port of the Balearic Islands are considered as "tourist stay" regardless of the number of hours of stay in transit and, therefore, are subject to the application of the tax. Cruise passengers whose ships have their base port in the Balearic Islands are exempt from paying the tax.

  • The amount of the tax depends on the category of the accommodation:

Tax for Sustainable Tourism



Types of establishments

Euro per day *

High season

(May 1st - October 31th)

Euro per day*

Low season

(November 1st - April 30th)

5-star, 5-star luxury and 4-star superior hotels / 4-keys superior and 4-keys tourist apartments



4-star and 3-star superior hotels / 3-keys superior tourist apartments



1-star/-key, 2-star/-key and 3-star/-key hotels and tourist apartments



Holiday rentals (fincas, apartments, houses) and other tourist establishments



Rural hotels, agrotourism accommodation and inland tourism accommodation



Hostels, lodgings, guest houses, boarding houses, tourist camps or campsites, shelters and refuges



Tourist cruise liner



*+10% VAT

*+10% VAT


The flag of the Balearic Islands features four red stripes on a golden background, with the coat of arms of the islands in the upper hoist.


The combined population of the Balearic Islands is around 1.3 million, with Mallorca being the most populous island.

Capital City:

Palma de Mallorca is the capital city of the Balearic Islands and the main cultural and economic hub.


The Balearic Islands are an autonomous community within Spain. The regional government is responsible for various aspects of governance, including education, healthcare, and tourism.


The official currency of the Balearic Islands, like the rest of Spain, is the Euro (EUR). Currency exchange services are available at airports and major tourist areas.


The Balearic Islands are in the Central European Time (CET) zone, UTC+1. During daylight saving time, the clocks are adjusted one hour ahead.

Highest Point:

The highest point in the Balearic Islands is Puig Major, standing at approximately 1,445 meters (4,741 feet) above sea level. It is located in the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range on Mallorca.

Natural Resources:

The islands have limited natural resources, but agriculture and tourism are major economic drivers. Olive oil, almonds, and wine are some of the region's agricultural products.

Useful Websites:

Official Tourism Website of the Balearic Islands
Balearic Islands Government Portal

Emergency Phone Numbers:

General Emergency: 112
Police: 092 (Local), 091 (National)
Medical Emergency: 061
Fire Department: 080

As you plan your visit to the Balearic Islands, these practical insights will help you prepare for a smooth and enjoyable experience. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Mediterranean, embrace the warm hospitality, and explore the rich culture that awaits you on these enchanting islands.